US Visa Apply

If the theater begins with the wardrobe, then the trip to the US begins with a visa for you and your family. And here it is important to do everything clearly and consistently, not missing even the minute details.

America is sometimes very scrupulous in issuing visas and even a small blot or a missing document can cause a formal refusal and a mild panic for a visa applicant


Getting a visa to the US with AIST USA is simple:


  • To start, you need only your foreign passport.
  • We can schedule an interview at the embassy for the next week.
  • Payment only if the visa is successful.
  • We do not use illegal or questionable schemes.
  • Our experience and competent legal advice on collection, execution and submission of documents will help you not to repeat typical mistakes when submitting a visa package of documents after refusal.
Request payment of consular fees for Ukrainians

Assess your chances of obtaining a visa to the US


  • Free consultation, strategy and assessment of the chances of obtaining a visa.
  • Preparation of documents.
  • Payment for our services and consular fees
Fill in the form

Cost of our services:

  1. Visa for the Ukrainians (10 years)
    300 $
  2. Visa for the Russians (6 months)
    500 $
  3. ВVisa for the Kazakhs (6 months)
    600 $

Contact us


It is not necessary to order other services of the company in order to use the help in obtaining a visa. It is provided both separately from the rest of the service packages and within them.